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GA English on Sunday: News in Brief from Bonn and the region

GA English on Sunday : News in Brief from Bonn and the region

The Museum Mile Festival in Bonn is very busy on only two days this year, the fire brigade was called to to Graurheindorfer Straße after smoke development in apartment building in Bonn-Castell, GA’s first Bonn Vitality Fair was a success, police search for suspect after a man in Bonn was stabbed with knife – here’s our news in brief on Sunday

Busy Museum Mile Festival in Bonn: Only two days instead of four

BONN. Relaxed and in fine weather through the museums: Five Bonn museums opened their doors on Saturday and invited everyone to the Museum Mile Festival. On Sunday the festival continues.

What is new this year is that all museums are only open on the two weekend days. Less effort for the houses, for the visitors that means more crowds. "It's actually nicer to be able to visit the festival on four days," says family mother Kathrin Dresbach from Bornheim.

The festival continues on Sunday from 10 to 19 o'clock. The program can be found at www.museumsmeilebonn.de.

(Original text: Stefan Knopp)

Call-out to Graurheindorfer Straße: Smoke in apartment building in Bonn-Castell

BONN-CASTELL. The Bonn fire brigade was called out to a house in the Graurheindorferstraße in Bonn-Castell. The firefighters came with a ladder truck and breathing protection. The residents present, four adults and four children, had already rescued themselves and were outside. A pot on the stove in the kitchen with burnt-on food had caused strong smoke on the first floor of the house, which had spread rapidly. Careful passers-by had heard the smoke alarms and informed the fire brigade.

(Original text: GA Bonn)

Town hall Bad Godesberg: GA's first Bonn Vitality Fair a success

BAD GODESBERG: Vitality and joie de vivre: this undoubtedly appeals to the people of Bonn. As soon as the doors of the Stadthalle had opened on Saturday morning, numerous interested visitors flocked to Bonn's first Vitality Fair. It was a fair „for the best years“: The General-Anzeiger had invited visitors to get informed on topics like nutrition, health, disease prevention and sport. "Our trade fair is getting off to a very good start. We obviously hit a nerve with our offers," said a delighted GA Advertising Manager Martin Busch.

(Original text: Ebba Hagenberg-Miliu)

Police search for suspect: Man in Bonn stabbed with knife

BONN. On Thursday morning, a man injured a 19-year-old man with a cutter knife in a subway station in Bonn's main station. The two men had fought before. Police are still searching for the fugitive.

„We are looking for a man about 1.80 meters tall, wearing a tracksuit and a cap at the time of the crime. According to Robert Scholten, police spokesperson, the investigation is still ongoing, "we are also investigating possible connections to the drug scene.“

(Original text: Axel Vogel)