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Traffic at Bonn International School: Martin-Luther-King-Strasse to become safer

Traffic at Bonn International School : Martin-Luther-King-Strasse to become safer

Traffic safety improvements will be made at Martin-Luther-King-Strasse in front of Bonn International School, with work beginning on Monday. The city says students face dangerous situations there on a daily basis.

The expansion of Martin-Luther-King-Strasse near Bonn International School (BIS) will begin this Monday. According to the city press office, the civil engineering bureau is responsible for the work, which is to be completed by August 23 - i.e. during the summer holidays. In total, the project will cost around 115,000 euros. According to the press office, residents who live there will not be required to contribute to the costs. The main committee had already approved the planning on September 20 of 2018, and at its meeting on May 15, the majority of the Bad Godesberg district council voted in favor of the project.

Dangerous situations on a daily basis

The city administration justified the project, saying that every day at Martin-Luther-King-Strasse, in the section in front of the Bonn International School, there are dangerous situations for the pupils. That is why traffic safety needs to be improved there.

Since the politicians have given the green light, the car park entrance will now be redesigned and the sidewalk will be extended throughout the length of the street in that area. The turning circle currently located there, will no longer be in use. In addition, the pedestrian crossing is to be relocated and the roadway narrowed in sections. The administration is also proposing to replace the existing bicycle racks with a different system.

(Orig. text: jab; Translation: ck)