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Fridays for Future: Thousands of students demonstrate in Bonn

Fridays for Future : Thousands of students demonstrate in Bonn

On Friday morning, thousands of school students gathered at the Hofgarten in Bonn for a demonstration march through the city center as part of "Fridays for Future". Traffic problems were anticipated.

"Unfortunately, the world we wish for will not be as we would like it to be." This was the sad realization that was expressed on the stage set up at the Hofgarten on Friday morning. Several thousand school children and young adults were gathering there to demonstrate for more climate protection. For them, this sad realization resulted in a call to action.

"It's great that so many young schoolchildren are here," said Luca Samlidis from the organization team of the Fridays for Future Demo in Bonn. The children are not yet allowed to vote for the European Parliament on Sunday, but they want to motivate the adults to vote with the interests of the students in mind. And that means more climate protection. But many pupils are skipping lessons. According to a first count by the organizer, more than 6000 people were believed to be participating in the Bonn demonstration.

Participants marched from the Hofgarten across Kaiserplatz, through Maximilianstrasse, Am Hauptbahnhof, Thomas-Mann-Strasse and Oxford Strasse to a rally at Bertha-von-Suttner-Platz. From there, the demonstrators were to continue on via Belderberg and Adenauerallee, and then back to the Hofgarten. It was expected to end at 1pm.

(Orig. text: Stefan Knopp, Translation: ck)