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Technical problems: Melbbad in Bonn to remain closed on Tuesday

Technical problems : Melbbad in Bonn to remain closed on Tuesday

First came the all-clear, then it was bad news again: After an emergency repair there are again technical problems in the Melbbad in Bonn. The outdoor pool had to close prematurely on Monday and remains closed on Tuesday.

"Now of all times" visitors might think in view of rising temperatures when the city of Bonn announced on Monday morning: The Melbbad in Bonn-Poppelsdorf has to close its doors temporarily. Problems with the power supply of the water treatment prevented bathing operation on Monday morning. A short time later the all-clear came. The technical problems were solved. After the electricity failed again despite the emergency supply, the Melbbad must remain closed also on Tuesday.

(Original text: GA Bonn; Translation: Mareike Graepel)