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Full streets and traffic congestion: Traffic chaos at Godesberg tunnel continues

Full streets and traffic congestion : Traffic chaos at Godesberg tunnel continues

Traffic jams continue due to the changed traffic routing at the Godesberg tunnel. Numerous side streets were also congested on Monday. Traffic all the way to Wachtberg was affected.

On Monday morning it became apparent that the changed traffic routing at the Godesberg tunnel would not be without problems. The closure of one side of the tunnel and the opening of the other side had already caused chaos on the surrounding roads at the weekend, but it continued into beginning of the week - and not only in Bad Godesberg, but all the way to Wachtberg.

At times nothing moved on the Pecher Landstraße. Just like in Bad Godesberg city, where a procession of cars moved in both directions at a snail's pace if at all. And it wasn't only Bonner Straße and Moltkestraße that were congested to the north, as one driver reported. Traffic was also clogged up on Rheinallee and the surrounding streets. It was the same scenario to the south. According to the city of Bonn, however, there were no problems on the B9. According to a motorist, however, there were problems on the side roads. The GA reader said traffic there was very slow. The police confirmed that the streets were full. According to spokesman Michael Beyer, however, there were no accidents.

It had been expected that traffic in the Godesberg city center would back up in the direction of Bonn "because the short part (of the tunnel) is closed", Kristina Buchmiller from the city press office said in response to a GA inquiry. "But we were surprised about the direction going south." It is possible that many motorists did not use the tunnel and drove through the city "because they mistakenly assumed another complete closure". However, the city civil engineering office is confident "that this will become regulated in the next few days". It would probably level out in the middle of the week, Wednesday or Thursday. And: In the tunnel it had already gone "surprisingly well" in the northern direction, Buchmiller stated. This could have been due to the fact that the holidays in Rhineland-Palatinate started on Monday, according to the spokeswoman.

At the intersection of Koblenzer Straße and Theodor-Heuss-Straße where tunnel traffic comes out, a traffic light was set up there to regulate the traffic. But this traffic light had failed to work twice on Saturday. The result: everyone drove the way they wanted to. This should not happen again in the future, Buchmiller said. The technical defect was repaired in the course of Saturday afternoon.

Those want to avoid the traffic jams should take alternative routes. The civil engineering office recommends the MUK route (Mittel-, Ubierstraße and Konstantinstraße) as well as the parallel roads.

Original text: Ayla Jacob

Translation: ck