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Renewed traffic disruptions: Godesberg Tunnel closed next weekend

Renewed traffic disruptions : Godesberg Tunnel closed next weekend

Motorists who use the Godesberg tunnel should take note: Due to work on the ventilation technology, the existing traffic routing will be rearranged between Friday and Saturday, 28/29 June. Other temporary closures are also in store.

Workers have been renewing the ventilation technology in the Bad Godesberg road tunnel since August 2018, which has resulted in one side of the tunnel being closed to all traffic. From Saturday to Sunday, June 28 to June 29, changes will be made in the current traffic pattern and the side of the tunnel that is currently open, will close. The side of the tunnel that has been closed, will reopen to accommodate traffic going in both directions.

For this change to occur, both tubes of the tunnel need to be closed temporarily from Friday evening, June 28 until Saturday, June 29, according to the city administration. Considerable traffic disruption is expected at times. The civil engineering department responsible for the conversion, asks all motorists for their understanding. The complete closure of the tunnel will be from 9 pm on Friday until 12 noon on Saturday. Overall, the project is expected to be finished by the beginning of 2020.

More than 40,000 vehicles drive through the tunnel every day under normal circumstances, according to the official statistics from the city of Bonn. A maximum speed of 30 kilometers per hour must be maintained during the construction work in order to prevent accidents. The so-called MUK route (Mittelstraße, Ubierstraße, Konstantinstraße) and the roads parallel to the rail traffic are recommended as an alternative.

More full closures and fire testing scheduled

During the nights of 2/3 July, 3/4 July and 31 July/1 August - each between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. - the lanes will be closed for "further modifications between the old and the new tunnel controls and adjustment work on the new tunnel ventilation" and finally for a fire test.

Godesberg tunnel: New traffic routing

The side of the tunnel that will be closed next weekend is expected to remain so for two months. For this reason, the city has already announced its plans for traffic management during the construction work. Vehicles coming from Bonn will be routed into the tunnel on the Rhine side at the B9/Wurzerstraße junction.

It will also be possible to enter the short tunnel and exit at Bonner Straße. Access to the short part of the tunnel from Godesberg in the direction of Bonn will be blocked. The connection to the B9 will be via Bonner Straße, Godesberger Straße and Hochkreuzallee, according to the city.

Those coming from the direction of Mehlem will be led via Koblenzer Straße into the tunnel on the Rhine side. The tunnel entrance at Friedrichsallee will be closed. Drivers from the Rhine side should reach the B9 via Seufertstraße and Kapellenweg. In addition, the access road to the B9 will be closed from Theodor-Heuss-Allee, instead drivers will have to take a detour via Albertus-Magnus-Straße/Friedrichsallee.

The new traffic routing also has an impact on pedestrians and cyclists. The passage from Theodor-Heuss-Straße to Friedrichsallee will be closed. Only the crossing over the Koblenzer Straße remains.

Orig. text: Dylan Cem Akalin

Translation: ck