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Weather in Bonn and the region: Summer to arrive at the weekend

Weather in Bonn and the region : Summer to arrive at the weekend

Swimming weather – that is what lots of people are wishing for in Bonn and the region. But temperatures are not playing along at the moment. The weekend looks very hopeful though, when summer is to arrive.

Summer and outdoor pool weather? This should become a reality in Bonn and the region at the weekend. The weather service “Wetteronline” reports that temperatures should then rise significantly – temperatures of around 30 degrees Celsius should be achievable just in time for the meteorological start of summer, with some occasional thunderstorms caused by the heat.

“The airflow is turning to the southwest just in time for the meteorological start of summer on 1 June,” explains meteorologist Matthias Habel. “This will bring significantly warmer weather to central Europe and widespread maximum temperatures of around 25 degrees.”

This will create optimum outdoor pool conditions. The Duisdorf swimming pool opened a while ago. All of the other pools will open for the 2019 season on Ascension Day on Thursday 30 May.

Until the weekend, however, the prevailing weather will still be cool and changeable. According to the German Weather Service (DWD), the thermometer will climb to just 16 to 19 degrees on Tuesday. After that, there is a clear downward trend. “Unfortunately it will remain unstable and changeable in the coming days. And it will get steadily cooler,” says meteorologist Markus Winkler.

(Original text: ga.de. Translation: kc)